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The Just the News Russia Gate Article

Friday, August 21, 2020

Climate Toothache


Ancient Earth

Paleontology Rocks

I think he’s horny

My new friend

Dinosaurs are awesome

I still love dinosaurs

I love dinosaurs.

Protect Indigenous Sacred Sites | Protect the Badger Two Medicine

Is Biden a Manchurian Candidate? Are Russian Gates Real?

The Power of Indigenous Medicines and Spirituality

Matt Taibbi on Russiagate sample from his Substack

Another Indigenous Perspective on the US Independence Day Holiday

2020 08 19 00 57 00

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Social Media is a Tool of Political Repression

Agents of Political Repression

I was one of the first to Debunk Russiagate in 2016

How I Believe I was Targeted for Neutralization for Refusing to Push the...

#InkTober for Life Art by Indigenous Artist Matt Barkhausen | Work in Pr...

All West Native Artwork by Indigenous Artist Matt Barkhausen of 4thworld...

All West Artwork by Indigenous Artist Matt Barkhausen of 4th World Creat...

All West Native Artwork in Progress by Indigenous Artist Matt Barkhausen...

All West Native Artwork by Indigenous Artist Matt Barkhausen of 4th Worl...

All West Native Artwork in Progress by Indigenous Artist Matt Barkhausen...

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Remembering #NODAPL

Remembering #NODAPL

Reacting to Trolls

Reacting to Trolls


Cannibalism? Among Native Americans? | Reacting to a Racist Troll

Slavery Among Native Americans?

Illegal Tender Time Lapse

Illegal Tender #10

Illegal Tender Time Lapse #9